Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Okay so today I had to take Joshua to Sunnyhill hospital for an assessment (these suck) they are long full days, and he is in one room and Peyton and I are in another. The good thing about Sunnyhill is that it really is full of wonderful staff who make sure that you are taken care of, with toys for the kids, and coffee for the parents.

Well while I was there today I sat down and made my goals for this month.

1. Have my etsy account up by Septemeber 15th, 2010
2. Have 10 new zipper pouches and 10 new aprons done (4 being seasonal... halloween/fall/christmas).... btw this is my favorite time of year... I love the changes in the seasons... and the colours and then it ends with the best time of the year CHRISTMAS!!!!
3. Have at least 1 new pattern up and ready in PDF format to sell... (oh and learn how to do that too)

So when we came home from the long drive in the rain, both kids were asleep and I was quiet tired (and I am a bad sewer when I am tired) so I decided to create my etsy account.
Yeah so as of today I am on etsy!!!! Goal #1 Check!!!!

So please come and take a look, the yellow apron fabric is now discontinued so I only have 1 left... so if you were interested in it now is your chance!!!

Thank you guys so much for your love and support, I am really honestly so happy to be out there!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

A little tote....

So my mom gave me her serger last week... I KNOW!!! How excited am I... although I also know how much she loves it and will miss it... I will hug it good night mom...

But with that came a truck load of really cool fabrics... stuff from 1 month-20 years ago.

One of my favorite items was a little envelope that says "Mama's Cape" I opened it up and here on newspaper from the late 70's was a pattern for a little cape. I looked at my mom and said "so I guess this is just in my blood" looking at all the patterns my mom made, my grandma made, and, my great grandma... I hold a piece of all of them every time I cut, sew and create... xoxo to my love and inspiration, mom, grandma and great grandma (even though I never met my great grandma...)

Okay, so as well I had a zipper with a hmmmm.... orange... what to do... then a friend gave me a little fabric... THANK YOU and I went to work tonight... I am not fully thrilled, and would change a lot but this is so far what I have... the inside isn't finished... but still I wanna know what you think.

As well some of you will remember my post with my personalized necklace order... well I got it this week!!! AND LET ME TELL YOU... it is so perfect and pretty I can't even stand it... here is a picture but it isn't the best... Bead Creations said they will send me a picture as well, honestly I will so totally order from them again!!!! (Just so you all know hubby took the pic... THANKS DEAR!!!)

Anyways hope you guys have a great day!!!!

Birthday Specialty Apron,Oven Mitt and Cookies!!!

So I had a special order the other day for my lady lane apron and then something special, but it could be anything.... I was to be creative.... WHO ME? I know right (just for you BK)

So I did up an apron, then thought well an oven mitt would be perfect... and who doesn't love felt cookies....

So here it is...

The Oven Mitt

The felt cookies are just cut, then the little clear beads hand sewn on, then I machine stitched it... and actually they are very cute, I opted out stuffing them because when I did they looked funny... I have been trying to make cupcakes... but honestly they don't look good.

So this was awesome... made a little 2 year old happy!!!

Thanks for the challenge Brianne!

I have more posts waiting, but the SLR camera ate some tutorial pictures so hubby has to work on them. But I am back and ready to get back to regular posting programing!!!

Oh does anyone know where I can get custom clothing labels made???


Linking to:

Keeping It Simple

Creations by Kara

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Guest Post from Crystals Craft Spot

Crystal was so kids as to guest post while I am away camping this week... I am so excited as I love her blog...

Thanks Crystal!

Hi Everyone! I am so excited to be guest blogging for Kati today. Don't you love her blog? I find so much inspiration every time I look. I just love her cute projects.

I am Crystal from Crystal's Craft Spot. Its my little spot to share my current craft projects, tutorials, recipes, and ideas I want to use in the future. Every Wednesday I host a new Craft Challenge and every Friday is Feature Friday where you can link up any of your projects you've been working on.  I hope you'll come join me. 

Now for the fun part. I am so excited to share this project with you. Its so simple and can be done to fit any style.

Interchangeable Frame

You need:

A board -I used the back of a frame that broke.  (A piece of wood, foam board, etc. would work)

Scrapbook paper


mod podge or spray adhesive

any embellishments you want

clothes pin


glue dots or hot glue

Measure your board and cut your pattern paper to fit.  Then cut a mat for the center.  I made mine 5"x7".

Use a spray adhesive or mod podge to attach your paper to your board.

Paint your clothes pin (or you can mod podge paper to it for a cute look). 

Attach clothes pin to your board with glue dots. Embellish how ever you want.  I used rub-ons.


Add a ribbon to the back to hang

Add your favorite picture and easily switch it when ever you want.

Thanks for letting me stop by today.  I hope you enjoyed this fun little frame.  Come visit me any time!

Friday, August 20, 2010

A new purse for an evening out...

So way back in February when I had my back surgery, Chris and I also had our 3 year wedding anniversary..... BBBUUUUUTTT.... I forgot.... However I think that back surgery exempts you from lots of things including remembering your anniversary.... I remembered at about 1pm that afternoon... and called him quickly to say sorry....

That's okay.

Tonight we are going to one of my favorite performers Michael Buble, I love him and his.... um... music (and gosh is he good looking)

So we are spending the night in a really nice hotel in the city, (I live about 45 minutes from Vancouver the city.... for those of you who don't know BC very well.)

Outfit (check)
Shoes (check)
Hair and Make-up (check)


Well I have this one that my mom gave me for my grade 9 Christmas dance....

HMMMM.... I want something different, bright and funky!!!

So I took my bag of scraps and cut 28 1.5 x 2.5inch rectangles and arranged them in whatever I thought looked good... because I always go for bright bold patterns this little clutch took a new life of it's own.

I just used whatever I had and did 2 rows, I lined it with some tie die pink and gave it a little pocket for lipstick, my bff Holly gave me some clothes the other day and instead of wearing them I am cutting them up (sorry.) But that is where the blue jean came from, just old painters pants... and I love the extra embellishments.... the little pink circle is from Sophie's Pillow.... I made a mistake (okay A LOT of mistakes) creating that pillow and one of them was I ironed on Sophie backwards.... up late+ no coffee= DO NOT SEW!

So here is the little clutch...


So I am off to shower and actually do my hair and make-up... cause this week I just was not feeling it.

Have a great day!!!

Aprons and Potholders and Towels OH MY!

So I had an order on Monday for my yellow apron and one of my tea towel holders, I was told I had free reign on the towel holder....

Well as I was choosing I didn't like the options that I had so....

I made my own potholder and added a little something special to the towel...

What do you think???

The matching apron looks AMAZING with this.... that is one lucky bride... if you ask me....

so much for these late posts....

Have a great day guys...

and DON'T forget to head over to my store and see what I have been working on... the zippered pouches and aprons and this little number too.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I went under the knife and got a bloglift!

Hey guys,

so as I have been blogging a little bit more I have noticed that I needed to change my look, so after weeks of searching I finally made the change and and still working on it but liking to progress I am making.... I hope you do too!!!!

Have a great day and I will be uploading some good stuff tomorrow... JUST YOU WAIT!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My 1st Award!!!!

What a big day yesterday was... I got a little message from AmieAnn at Pinkapotamus saying that she wanted to give me this award.... HOW SWEET!!! This is super exciting because it is my VERY FIRST AWARD!!!!

Thank You Amie!

So here are the rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person that gave you this award. (done)

2. Share 7 things about yourself. (done)

3. Pass the award to at least 4 fellow bloggers who inspire you.

4. Let them know you gave them an award.

So here are the seven things that I would like to share:

1. I am a citizen of Canada and the United States... I am 100% each, naturalized at birth,I love both sides... I lived in Tuscaloosa Alabama and Birmingham Alabama and went to school there until grade 3. Then moved to Prince George British Columbia and finally my destination point of Vancouver British Columbia.

2. I love flowers... my favorite are peonies and hydrangea... I love how fluffy they are.

3. I have 2 adorable kids and I want more, I always thought I would have 4-5 kids... guess I never thought hubby might not.

4. I don't have a favorite colour... I just can't choose... I love all of them

5. I have an Aztek, and while I said I would never drive one, when I bought it I fell in love... and I still thank it for saving mine and Joshua's life in our accident... and I talk to it as though it hears me...

6. My favorite animal is a cat.

7. I LOVE COFFEE, I am not someone who is in love with chocolate, sweets, chips etc... but coffee is the single most important meal/drink of my day... if you ever meet me I will either have a coffee cup in my hand, just getting a cup of coffee, just finishing a cup of coffee or (hopefully you don't see this side of me... it is not pretty) the I NEED A CUP OF COFFEE me... and right now I am drinking a cup of coffee... (oh when I saw a cup I mean a MASSIVE cup)

And now here are the 4 blogs that I have chosen to give the lovely blog to:

1. Crystal at Crystals Craft Spot
2. Aly & Ash at Aly&Ash Creations
3. Elaine at Design Etc
4. Nicole at Whimsy Lane Crafts

I love these blogs and their inspiration... thank you for writing and crafting such great things to sip my coffee to!!!

I have some big orders this week... and I am working on a new design for my blog... so I am here I promise... just working away!!! And if anyone wants to Guest Post/ Blog Swap let me know... I still have a few days open next week.

Have a great day!!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


And the Winner is....

Ang from a new little blog called Jellyphysh. Here is how she won...

Congrats Ang!!!

lol i put a link on my blog, but i'm just starting my blog (which really isn't all that interesting right now I don't think - since I haven't decided really what to blog about!!!! http://jellyphysh.blogspot.com/2010/08/cleanse-and-life-continues.html

Send me an e-mail...

And thank you for all who entered... I will do another giveaway when I hit 100!

Have a great weekend.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Zippered Pouches

Yesterday my mom and I went to the fabric store as they had 50% off (I know right!) so I did buy just a few more things, some bamboo handles... cause I need some for the purse I designed, a magnetic closure and some zippers....

Okay I am new to sewing....

and I have never. ever. ever put a zipper into anything...

So my mom showed me...

and thus my zippered pouches.

I now have a new make-up bag (which I HEART) and a few more like these....

I wanted to make a bunch of them so that I could practice. Each on has a really great funky print and the inside is

So these will be up in my store later this week.

But tomorrow we are heading out... to enjoy each other... we even did our grocery shopping tonight... where Peyton took her diaper off right at the check out... (hand to forehead) oh well... I laughed. Nobody else did, but hey, she is my princess...

Have a great weekend. I will announce the winner tomorrow for the Giveaway.
xoxo kati


Okay guys it is only a few more hours left to enter the Apron Giveaway..... tick tock!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Guest Post from Crafting and Creativity

Good day guys, I am so excited to introduce you to Sarah and her wonderful blog...

I'm thrilled to be swapping with Kati today! She has such a great blog that I enjoy visiting!!

I'm Sarah. I have been married to by husband and best friend for just about 5 years. We are lucky to have 2 wonderful kids. Our son is 2 and a half and our daughter is 4 months old. I have been blogging for nearly 3 years now. Last month I decided started a new blog to showcase all the crafts and creative things I have made: Crafting and Creativity!

Crafting and Creativity Button

Since my daughter was born I have been busy making her dozens of embellishments to add to her headbands. It is a new obsession of mine...

I'm getting more sewing projects done lately since I recently got a sewing machine! I have shared some tutorials on my blog for making fun hair things, like this fabric headband , for my little girl:
I recently shared this project where I made a nursing cover out of a skirt that I had sitting in my closet. I was happy with the result:

I have been scrapbooking for more than 8 years and I love projects that I can make using my every-growing scrapbook stash, like marble magnets as well as things for my home like this bird wall art I made for my daughter's room:

I also to like do some sewing projects for my kids, or to give away as baby gifts, like this diaper holder and wipes case set. The bird stuffed toy was something I made by hand when I was expecting my daughter...

And I love creating fun projects for my son's room like this monogram using PENCIL CRAYONS! How adorable is that?!

I love "nesting"! Making our house into a home makes me so happy. I shared pictures of what our son's room looks like:

And I also gave a tour of what we did to our daughter's room before she was born:

So come and follow along as I share the projects that give me the creative outlet I need when I am not busy with my little family. The best is yet to come!

Thanks again Kati for having me, this has been fun! :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Inspiration and an all nighter....

okay so a few days ago I said that I was in a blah couldn't think of anything to create kinda mood... well on Tuesday at about 5pm I should have been making dinner but all of a sudden an idea came to me to make Peyton a play purse so that she could have something to carry with her. I had a few pieces of white, and a small bit of pink and thought I would just sew and see where it took me.

Well this is what I came up with in the 15 minutes I had to sew.

So this was just s simple little play purse... but I stayed up till 3:30 in the morning designing all these different handbags, wallets and camera cases I had all these ideas and last night was able to head to the fabric store for an hour....

Here is what I walked out with....
Some will be handbags, aprons, camera cozy's and some are who knows... like the purple/teal one... the lady had a .5 of a yard and asked me if I wanted it for .50 cents.... of course I said yes.

So I promise I will have more posts next week...(maybe if the kids sleep I can finish some projects today and post) tomorrow I am guest posting so I am extending the APRON GIVEAWAY until Saturday... I hope you don't mind.... just wait a little bit longer!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BLAH... a bib and camera case.

Okay I am sorry guys I have been looking at my blog for a few days and just haven't been able to post... I am having a blah day(s). It has been raining, and on Sunday I was having a pretty bad day with my back, and was mainly laying down on my bed, Monday I worked and my back was so bad I actually didn't bathe my babies... I did this morning tho because I felt so guilty.

I have so many great idea's but just not able to fully execute them... I have one fabric but not the other, I don't have either elastic, snaps, or Velcro. So I hold off on the project all together because I don't like half finished projects.

I did make a bib and another experimental camera case today because I found some flannel that I purchased a few months ago on sale. Have you ever seen those rag quilts... well I have one for little Peyton which was a baby gift, and I have loved it. So now that I have a machine and am learning to sew I thought I would give the bib a try. And because I just had to know how it would look I made a Rag Quilt Camera Case... which is actually really cute because I am all about ruffles, and I find this technique gives the ruffle look.

So here they are... no I didn't put a button on this camera case because I am not sure if I want a snap or Velcro... as I said in another post I wasn't in love with the button I put on my original Camera Cozy. The first picture is before I washed it, and then the next one is after it was washed and put in the dryer to make it nice and ruffley (is that even a word?)

Here is Elwynn's bib but I didn't wash it yet... I might but who knows I might give it to Angie and let her wash it and have the ruffle suprise.

Lastly, I have ordered my fabric lables and they are on their way AAANNNDDDD have started work on my website so that all my products will be up and for sale YEAH!!! So I will be working hard and taking pictures for all of you to see.

I hope you all have a great day... and I am really sorry I am not offering more inspiration.

Don't forget to enter for the Apron Giveaway, it ends August 14th, 2010.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Looking for some Guest Bloggers

So hubby the kids and I are all going to head out camping in a few weeks (middle August)and I will of course not be blogging.... Sorry. But I wanted to know if any of you would like to guest blog???... Do a feature of yourself and your blog, a tutorial or both.

If anyone is interested let me know just e-mail me at katepixleydesign@hotmail.ca and we can arrange it... I will do a preset of my blog post so they will need to be in earlier than my leaving date.

Anyways have a great weekend!!!

Towel Hanger Tutorial


Hey Guys I posted this tutorial over at Crystals Craft Spot but I really wanted it in my list as well so I am posting it here too!!!

Here is the tutorial for how to make a perfect towel hanger for your kids room... I wanted something unique for my kids rooms and I stumbled across a blog Aly&Ash and she had this great idea. I made one for Joshua's room and one for Peytons: Here is the easy 30 minute craft you all can do.


-Wood frame from Michaels or your local craft store
-Mod Podge
-Sponge Brush
-Scrapbook paper of your liking
-garnishments (a letter, ribbon, Pearls or rhinestones)
-Dresser knob of your choosing from your local hardware store
-An adorable picture of your baby!

Start off by tracing your frame onto your paper

Then cut it out and take the mod podge and place a thin layer all over the front of the frame... I used a thin layer with Joshua's frame and then a thicker layer with Peyton's and it wasn't as nice...I don't have pictures but I was actually disappointed at first and almost started over.

Let it dry

Add a thin layer on top of the paper

Let it dry

Add another thin layer

hmm... and you guessed it let it dry

Then add your letter or pearls or whatever you would like... I chose to mod podge my picture to the cardboard backing but you don't have to.

The last thing that you will do is drill a hole through the frame and place your knob on... I don't have a picture because... OK the truth... my husband moved my craft stuff from the kitchen island to the dinning room table, in that move the screw for my glass knob was lost... I looked all over then in frustration I super glued it to the frame... and it worked like a charm!!! I searched for weeks for the right embellishment, I looked a ribbon or more paper but then stumbled across these pearls and I love it...

Here is Joshua's...Again He loves soccer but has a red white and blue room...