So the craft fair was so much fun. It was a two day event, friday night and Saturday. After doing it I have decided that I want to do three day events... and there are many reasons which I will later talk about.
FYI this might be a long wordy post so feel free to skip it if you want... but be warned... you do and you might miss so fun stuff!!!
I was so proud of myself because I remembered eveything but my calculator (NEEDED) and my camera BOOO :( but I did take a picture with my cell phone camera and my friends camera... I just have to get them from her. I know the picture is bad quality but well deal with it... it is all I have.
I had a great corner table with some of the sweetest most amazing women out there. Nicole from
Sweet Savannah actually lives really close to me and she makes these sweet little hair clips!!! And
Jessica Rae was awesome, she does really sweet jewellery and photography... I know I will be placing my order soon for Christmas Presents.
Well I sold out a few items on the first night which was awesome. It was really wonderful to see what everyone liked and what they wanted to see more of. I sold out most of my aprons, posy pins, coffee cozies but not to worry I have been working hard to update
my shop so by thursday I hope to have more posted!
So until I can get my photos you all will have to wait to more pictures but I will explain a little.
My Banner in the front is made of ribbon
I have a coat rack for my aprons so people could finger through them and try them on.
I got little red Christmas ornament place card holders and put my product names in them.
On everything that needed individual prices I used card stock from Michaels (and got my 50% off) so $2 and printed prices out there, and used old ribbon that I bought when I was single and tied it to the items.
Are there any questions??? I will get more up hopefully in the next few days, as well as more pictures of my name pillows as I have quite a few orders.
PS. I stil have some time for Personalized Pillow orders, they start at $25!!!
To all my new followers: HI and thank you for being here!!!
12 days of Christmas is approching fast!!! Are you ready ARE YOU??? 12 Days of GIVEAWAYS!!!