Friday, November 26, 2010

Featuring My Favorites Friday- DISCOUNT CODE included

I know I missed last week and I am so sorry... last friday was the craft fair.

But this week I was able to see all the wonderful crafts for thanksgiving and some christmas ones!!!

Here are some I loved.

Cheerleader Dress Tutorial from Naptime Crafters

Candle Makeover from Hallelujahs by Holly

Days Til Christmas Tutorial from Recaptured Charm

Countdown to Christmas by The Creative Crate

How awesome are all of these!!!

Thank you for stopping by and make sure you check out these awesome projects.If you were featured feel free to grab a button!

Now onto your discount code!!!

To all of my readers I am giving you 20% off your purchase. I have just updated my Facebook Album with TONS of new product. Just message me what you would like, and I will do a special listing for you with 20% off!!!

Enter Promo Thankful in your message. Free shipping to Canada and the US

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Personalized Pillows

So here are two that I have made...

So I have been working away at my Personalized Pillows.... And I have been busy!!! I have 6 more but i am still taking orders for Christmas. I love love love knowing that I made something meaningful for someone.... it makes me oh so happy!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Craft Fair


So the craft fair was so much fun. It was a two day event, friday night and Saturday. After doing it I have decided that I want to do three day events... and there are many reasons which I will later talk about.

FYI this might be a long wordy post so feel free to skip it if you want... but be warned... you do and you might miss so fun stuff!!!

I was so proud of myself because I remembered eveything but my calculator (NEEDED) and my camera BOOO :( but I did take a picture with my cell phone camera and my friends camera... I just have to get them from her. I know the picture is bad quality but well deal with it... it is all I have.

I had a great corner table with some of the sweetest most amazing women out there. Nicole from Sweet Savannah actually lives really close to me and she makes these sweet little hair clips!!! And Jessica Rae was awesome, she does really sweet jewellery and photography... I know I will be placing my order soon for Christmas Presents.

Well I sold out a few items on the first night which was awesome. It was really wonderful to see what everyone liked and what they wanted to see more of. I sold out most of my aprons, posy pins, coffee cozies but not to worry I have been working hard to update my shop so by thursday I hope to have more posted!

So until I can get my photos you all will have to wait to more pictures but I will explain a little.

My Banner in the front is made of ribbon
I have a coat rack for my aprons so people could finger through them and try them on.
I got little red Christmas ornament place card holders and put my product names in them.
On everything that needed individual prices I used card stock from Michaels (and got my 50% off) so $2 and printed prices out there, and used old ribbon that I bought when I was single and tied it to the items.

Are there any questions??? I will get more up hopefully in the next few days, as well as more pictures of my name pillows as I have quite a few orders.

PS. I stil have some time for Personalized Pillow orders, they start at $25!!!

To all my new followers: HI and thank you for being here!!!

12 days of Christmas is approching fast!!! Are you ready ARE YOU??? 12 Days of GIVEAWAYS!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Guest Post from Keeping it Simple

Hello everyone! I am super excited to be here with you today!!

Let me introduce myself, I'm Kaysi

Keeping It Simple
Here are a few things about me:
I am the mother of three boys, ages 5, 3 and 1 and a little girl on the way
I have been married to an amazing man for 7 years
I love chocolate!!
I love color, green is my favorite but brown and blue are up there
I like to keep things simple, not overdo them
When I get a spare moment, I love to craft or look at crafts

Each day of the week, I have something different.
Motivate me Monday, that's where I have link party and you get to show me all the cute things that you have done.
Tutorial Tuesday, I give a tutorial of a craft that I have done
Whatever Wednesday, this is my day that I put anything up.
Scrapbook Thursday, this is the day that I post a scrapbook idea or give a scrapbook tip
Fridays are the days that I do Blog swaps with other bloggers.

Here are a few things that you can see at my blog:

Thanks for having me today, it's been a pleasure!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

2 days till the craft fair

I have been absent... I know... and my apologies are beginning to just become repetitive... BBBUUUTTT.... the craft fair is in 2 days... and from Nov 1st till today I have made 119 items!!!! Not to mention the displays!!!

But Friday and Saturday are the craft fair, I am super excited... praying that it doesn't snow!!! (if it does nobody will come because people here are AFRAID of the snow!!!

But I will be posting pictures of the craft fair, my booth, and all the items that I have been making. I know I love to see how others display their items and what they have done so I will give you a detailed run on how I have done all of my displays for $12!!! YOU WILL WANT TO SEE THIS!!!

I also have a cloth napkin tutorial for you all!!! AND best part the 12 days of Christmas Giveaways!!! So beginning Dec 1-12 I will give away an item... so there is lots in store to make it up to you all that I have been so neglectful!!!

Have a great day and I will see you all here Friday as I have a surprise GUEST!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Featuring My Favorites Friday

Oh wow this week has been... interesting... Chris has been home all week because he was really sick, but NOW he is driving up to Kelowna to see his brother... leaving me.... ALL BY MYSELF ( think of that part in song)...

To understand what this house feels like right now to me is to know that I have not had a night away from the kids and hubby in 4 years and 10 months.... that is not a joke or exaggeration... I have had a night away from the kids, and a night away from the hubster but not both... SO WEIRD!

I haven't been on the computer this week... I have been busy heloing hubby and the kids and trying to get ready for the craft fair. So excited and so nervous at the same time... I have never done a craft fair before, I hope people like my stuff!

Okay okay... enough about me... (sorry I just miss you guys!)

Handprint Pillow by Sugar Bee Craft Edition

I love this idea and I am doing it after the craft fair... I love hand prints and what a sweet little pillow to bring out every year!

Glove Warmers by A girl and a Glue Gun

This is suppose to be the coldest winter in 55 years for us in British Columbia... so kinda think those will be made... they would also be perfect to take to the rink when Joshua ice skates.

DIY Advent Calander from Bumblebee and Sophie

What a great idea!!!

Anyways guys that is all for today! I will try to get some pictures up of the santa clause bibs this weekend!!! And as well a tutorial for making your very own oven mitt for Christmas!!! I have lots of stuff for you all.

AS WELL! My hubby is growing a mustash for Novemeber (otherwise known as MOvember) to raise awareness for Prostate cancer... this is a very good cause, and thats why I have said for every $2 donated I will enter you in a draw to win a Kate Pixley Gift Basket!!! So enter here and be entered to win!!!

If you were featured feel free to grab a button!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So if you don't already know about Movember it is where the guys in our life grow a mustache to raise awareness for prostate cancer.

My husband is participating in this awesome event so I thought I would ask my blogger friends to help out!

For every $2 donated (you can use paypal directly to the foundation) I will enter you in a chance to win a gift basket of Kate Pixley Product.... thats right a whole basket valued at $100!!!

Just click HERE and make your donation of at least $2... you can either come back and post a comment saying you have made the donation and send me your e-mail address and I will place it in the draw OR you can put that information on the site.

This is such a great cause, last year 4400 men tragically died from prostate cancer.

I will upload pictures of Chris throughout the month and you can see WHAT I HAVE TO LIVE WITH!!!

Thank you guys and have a great day!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Feature Friday

Hey guys!!! Little Peyton has been sick all week... I have been waking up at 7 and not going to bed till 2ish... so I am beat this week!!! (BUT... I did make some pretty cool new things which I will show you later)

I spotted some pretty awesome projects this week... ones perfect for Christmas gifts!!! I went over to Gussy Sews and fell in love with her Support Handmade Christmas... and I am determined to do the same this year. Especially since Joshua is already asking Santa to please have his mommy make a Dino Dudes Blanket for him for Christmas.... DONE!!!

Okay so here are my favorites!!

Boys Scarf Tutorial by Living with Punks

I love it!!! It has a pocket for all the little cars and crayons.... LOVE IT!!! GIFT!!!!

Highchair Redo by Bumblebee & Sophie

I love this because I have a pretty ugly highchair that does not have a cover at present... and because little lady is already the 2 1/2 I don't really want to spend the time on it unless... hint to hubby to upgrade us to the 5.0 family version!!! LOL... (it is okay if my humor doesn't amuse you... I still laugh)

The Hexagon Quilt by Craftasical

This is BEAUTIFUL and while it isn't finished yet I have been watching since her first post on it and just love it!!! KEEP GOING!!!

Leg Warmers Tutorial by From and Igloo (I laughed as I printed this out)

GIFT!!! Little Peyton loves her dresses so this is perfect!

Autum Wreath Tutorial by Tattered and Inked

OH I LOVE THIS!!!! I have the same style of door and I have been looking for the weclome vinyl and a STELLER wreath... but I never buy them.... this made me so happy.

Okay guys that sums it up!!! I hope you have an awesome weekend!!! I will upload some new pictures hopefully today!!!If you were featured feel free to grab a button!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


hey Guys...

So my little lady is quite sick... so I can't post what I planned on today. I am sorry. I hope you all are well.

xoxo Kati